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The Employment Insurance System in Korea(1999)

Ⅰ. Introduction / 1
1. Background / 1
2. Characteristics of the Korean Employment Insurance
System / 5
3. Basic Structure of the Korean Employment Insurance
System / 12
4. Financial Crisis and the Employment Insurance System / 14

Ⅱ. Coverage / 19
1. Principle of Coverage / 19
2. Coverage Exclusions / 20
3. Trend of Insured Employees/ 23

Ⅲ. Employment Stabilization Program / 25
1. Program Outline / 25
2. Employment Adjustment Assistance / 27
3. Regional Employment Stimulation Grant / 38
4. Employment Facilitation Assistance / 40
5. Labor Market Information and Job Placement Services / 44
6. Performance of the Employment Stabilization Program / 46

IV. Job Skill Development Program / 49
1. Program Outline / 49
2. Assistance to Employers / 53
3. Assistance to Employees / 56
4. Assistance for Training for the Unemployed / 57
5. Performance of the Job Skill Development Program / 58

Ⅴ. Unemployment Benefits / 60
1. Outline of Unemployment Benefits / 60
2. Job-seeking Allowance (JSA) / 62
3. Employment Promotion Benefits / 76
4. Unemployment Benefits Payment / 79

Ⅵ. Financing / 84
1. Financing Principle / 84
2. Contribution Rate / 85
3. Employment Insurance Fund / 86

Ⅶ. Administration / 88
1. Administrative Agencies / 88
2. Appeal Process / 89
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